Slavonia Bike is cycling project of Brod – posavina county. Ministry of tourism last year started with co financing projects for cyclotourism development for continental part of Croatia.
One of the counties that finished the first phase activities is Brod – posavina county. As a result of the first phase is Operating plan as strategic document for development of cycling tourism. According to this document there were routing made through the west part of the county (Nova Gradiska area). It counts 14 cycling routes and one hiking – cycling route (around eco ethno village Stara Kapela).
Marking is postponed because the new law about marking is in preparation.
Slavonia Bike Web page is available on next link:
And the Android App is made.
During the next two years the county is planning to route all paths through the whole area, and mark them.
Printed maps of Slavonia Bike You can take in TZ Nova Gradiška, TZ Brodsko – posavske županije or BK Psunj.
We’ve been cycling through some of the routes and we recommend it because it is combination of easy, lowland parts and heavy, hilly ones.