The Red Carpet

The Red Carpet

Amsterdam is investing heavily in its the future of the historic entrance of the city. The “Rode Loper” (Red Carpet) project creates a pleasant environment.

With the renewal of the historical space from the Damrak to the Cornelis Troostplein, the Red Carpet brings allure and grandeur back into the city.

Rode Loper Amsterdam 606X487 - Bikademy
Damrak1 - Bikademy

In 2013, the implementation of the Red Carpet started with the renewal of the Damrak, and to the summer of 2018. is planned to finish the whole project, including the underground cycling parking. 

The street also benefits from a project that makes it part of a ‘Red Carpet’. Illegal hostels will be removed, evasive advertising signs, while the spot will be on monuments, historical places, souvenirs…

Source: Dutch Cycling Embassy i Dutch Amsterdam

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