Seeking new opportunities is an essential part of progress. That’s why we joined Belgrade Venture Forum, the premiere pitching event for SEE region that took place in Metropol Palace Hotel from 28 to 30 November.
Among many applicants, the jury carefully selected the top 25 ideas that will do an 8-minute pitch to show their value, innovation, trajectory, challenges and opportunities.
Pitching Bikademy as a start-up to experienced venture capitalists that are looking for another business deal wasn’t an easy feat in only 8 minutes, but it was definitely worth it. Not only did we learned from the questions and the feedback of the VC’s, but also from other amazing start-up founders, product managers, developers that shared their story, brought a unique perspective and inspired us.
Usually on presentations we are focused on the product, but in Belgrade we were happy to also present our hardworking team. If you are wondering, this is the team: Krešimir Herceg, the founder, Boris Predmerski, main tech guy, Tin Horvatin, designer and marketer, Berislav Petrović, videographer and editor, and Klara Tuličić, copywriting and PR.