Exploring natural and cultural heritage sights, seeing surrounding beauty and working out is the best by bike tours. Our Bikademy…
We are proud to present one of our Bike Students – Miroslav Matic, who was a model for some of…
Hey Antonio, congratulation for first finished Bikademy Study – island Rab. Can You introduce yourself? Hey, Bikademy! I am from…
Bikademy continues with expansion on other regions and destinations. Latest cycling Study is Island Rab. Rab is called Happy Island…
Bikademy presented Embassy of Denmark exhibition “Good City – Visions for a city on the move” in Osijek – in…
Cycling to official visit with red carpet by Netherlands PM Mark Rutte. Netherland is bike and cycling country, it’s well…
It is well known that bicycle is preferred transport vehicle in Netherland for a long time. Numerous separated cycling paths,…
Bicycle becomes more and more important transport vehicle, but also a life style. Chinese city Hainan engaged Dutch company NL…